Sophos UTM has the capability of providing Quality Of Service (QoS) for the traffic that passes through it. So you can limit bandwidth allocation for non productive YouTube streaming for your employees while allocating more bandwidth for other productive browsing for them. Let’s look at how to limit YouTube traffic with Sophos UTM QoS feature. To make this tutorial simple, I have divided it into 3 steps.
1) Enable QoS on interface
log into Sophos UTM web interface with admin credentials.
goto “Interface & Routing” then select “Quality of Service (QoS)”
then enable QoS on both LAN and WAN (internet) interface from toggle switch.
2) Create YouTube traffic selectors.
click on “Traffic Selectors” tab and open “Edit Traffic Selector” window.
Fill or select following values.
Name :- YouTube application selector
Selector type :- choose “Application selector” from drop down
Source :- “Any”
Destination :- “Any”
Control by :- choose “Applications” from drop down
then add “Youtube” as Control These Application section.
finally click “save“.
3) Set Download Throttling.
Goto “Download Throttling” tab
select your internal interface (this example “internal“) from drop down at “Bound to Interface” section. then Click on “New Download Throttling Rule” to add new rule.
Fill the following values.
Name :- Youtube Limit.
Interface :- it’s gray out with interface called “internal” (it’s already before adding new rule)
Position :- which you preferred. here put it to top (1)
Limit (kbit/s) :- limit bandwidth
Limit :- select limit type
you can set Throttling limit speed and type . here use “shared” which means 100 kbits/s is shared with all users on the LAN.
Traffic selector :- make sure to select correct “Traffic Selector” which was created on step 2.
this example it is “YouTube application selector”
That’s it . I would like to here about thoughts and comment about this tut. see you next time 🙂