Category Archive: Linux

Nov 14

How to pause and resume rsync

Just like any other Linux process, you can pause rsync by sending it a TSTP (polite) or STOP (forcible) signal. On the terminal you’ve run rsync in, pressing Ctrl+Z sends TSTP. Resume with the fg or bg command in the terminal or a CONT signal. To resume the rsync where it is interrupted, make sure …

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Dec 23

Configure NTP server (Chrony) on CentOS / RHEL7

Classic NTP is replaced by Chrony and  CentOS / RHEL7 is no longer use it, instead it’s default is Chrony.  The Chrony is a different implementation of the network time protocol (NTP) than the network time protocol daemon (ntpd)  that is able to synchronize the system clock faster and with better accuracy than ntpd. Here …

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Aug 06

Adding users to Linux EC2 instance and give SSH access

The default AWS Linux EC2 instances come up with one user account such as centos, ubuntu etc  with sudo privileges. However in complex environment you may be needed add more users to EC2 instance with different privileges. Here we are going to discuss how to adding users to Linux EC2 instance and give SSH access …

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