

Sep 11

Reset HP iLO Administrator password over Linux terminal

HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) provides the automated intelligence to maintain complete server control from any place. It is awesome feature of HP servers to manage entire server remotely where physical access to the server is limited.Here I’m going to discuss how to reset existing iLO Administrator user password over Linux terminal remotely 🙂

1) Download and install hponcfg tool

You can download rpm file from one of below locations.
link1  , link2

most of the time default location would be “/usr/sbin/hponcfg”

2) Download HP Lights-Out XML Scripting Sample for Linux.

link1 , link2

3) Extract the “linux-ilosamplescripts1.80.0-1.tar.gz”.

There are bunch of scripts are available such as new user creation etc, but here I’m going to demonstrate how to reset password of existing user.

4) Let’s reset password

you need to change USER_LOGIN and PASSWORD value only.
in this example, assume system already has user called “admin” and new password for that user  is “Newpass@1234”


  <LOGIN USER_LOGIN="adminname" PASSWORD="password">
  <USER_INFO MODE="write">
    <MOD_USER USER_LOGIN="admin">
      <PASSWORD value="Newpass@1234"/>


5) try to login to ILO, now it should be working fine.

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